Our client was found passed out at an intersection in Hapeville, Georgia. A concerned citizen called 911 and the Hapeville Police responded. After banging on the window for a while, our client woke up and exited the vehicle. He smelled of alcohol and a DUI investigation was conducted. The Hapeville police officer scored inconsistent results with the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus evaluation (indicating the officer did not administer the test in accordance to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration guidelines). Our client did poorly on the Walk and Turn evaluation and the One Leg Stand evaluation. Once placed under arrest, he refused to the state administered breath test and a license suspension action was initiated. Skip Sullivan was hired to avoid a DUI conviction in Hapeville for his client. Mr. Sullivan not only avoided a one year suspension of our client’s driver’s license, but was also able to negotiate a dismissal of the Hapeville DUI charge in exchange for a plea to Reckless Driving in Hapeville Municipal Court.
if you are charged with a Hapeville DUI, or have been arrested for a DUI anywhere in Georgia, contact Skip Sullivan at Chestney & Sullivan today at 404.816.8777.